Several H5P content types require you to either upload — or link to — a video. By default, H5P supports YouTube and Vimeo for streaming services and has a native video uploader. As the H5P Open Hub is not a video streaming platform we have disabled the ability to upload videos thus requiring you to use YouTube or Vimeo for your video-based H5P Content.
UBC provides its own video streaming platform called Kaltura which allows you to upload your video content and embed it elsewhere, similar to YouTube or Vimeo. H5P does not support Kaltura natively.
We propose to create an add-on which will allow you to link an uploaded-to-Kaltura video in the same way you can link a video to YouTube or Vimeo.
Potential future additions to this add-on would be the ability to leverage the Kaltura API which would allow you to upload videos directly to Kaltura from the H5P Open Hub.
Update: This is now live on the platform. See the details on finding your Kaltura Video ID.