
Ability to Create Unlisted Group

Currently, users self-report as a part of UBC Faculty based on UBC’s Faculty and Unit list. The idea is to come up with UI and back-end to enable ad-hoc groups that will behave in similar fashion to Faculty listing but not being publicly available. Update: This is now complete. See the group creation for editor […]

Recovering Deleted H5P Content

The H5P WordPress integration does not support native-to-WordPress ideas such as content revisions or trash. This means that if you accidentally delete your H5P content, or intentionally delete it and then, at a later date, need to undelete it, then your only recourse is crossing your fingers that we have a backup and are able […]

Kaltura Integration

Several H5P content types require you to either upload — or link to — a video. By default, H5P supports YouTube and Vimeo for streaming services and has a native video uploader. As the H5P Open Hub is not a video streaming platform we have disabled the ability to upload videos thus requiring you to […]

Automatic default license selection

By default, H5P provides content creators a large array of licenses from to choose that they can apply to their h5p content. However H5P leaves this selection empty initially meaning all content is created without license. We would like to explore the ability to automatically select a license for every piece of content so that […]

Add Mathematical Expressions Content Type

There is a Mathematical Expressions Content Type available from Consider adding this for users who have H5P content created before LaTeX was added to H5P. Bonus: Explore adding LaTeX to the H5P Open Hub so that this isn’t strictly necessary for future content creation. Update: This is now live on the platform! You can […]

Allow H5P Content to be embedded when the embed button is not enabled

By default, in H5P, if you disable the ‘Embed’ button as part of the toolbar for your H5P Content, then you completely disable the ability to embed that piece of content anywhere – even you as the author of the content. There is a H5P_EMBED_URL_ALWAYS_AVAILABLE constant available within the H5P WordPress plugin which, when set, […]