Add Mathematical Expressions Content Type

There is a Mathematical Expressions Content Type available from Consider adding this for users who have H5P content created before LaTeX was added to H5P.

Bonus: Explore adding LaTeX to the H5P Open Hub so that this isn’t strictly necessary for future content creation.

Update: This is now live on the platform! You can use mathematical expressions (technically MathJax) using a backslash as a dividing character, i.e. \e = mc^2\

6 responses to “Add Mathematical Expressions Content Type”

  1. Manuel Dias

    I tried to upload the h5p package of the Dialogue Card Test available in this H5P library:
    I got the following error message: “Validating h5p package failed. Missing required library H5P.MathDisplay 1.0”.
    The following package may be useful for Science/Applied Science instructors, or anyone using math equations in their teaching.

  2. Jonathan Graves

    Definitely important! Very difficult to do economics or mathematical context without a reliable way of rendering math.

  3. nrogic

    Thank you Manuel and Jonathan, we agree this plugin is quite critical for whole range of disciplines, so we will try to test and implement very soon!

  4. Gaitri

    Thanks for the very informative H5P symposium! I hope to create H5P content for Math courses, including 1st year calculus.
    I too came across errors when exploring existing H5P content currently available in Calculus textbooks. Specifically, the math expressions are not in the correct place in almost all activities in the following textbook:

  5. Richard Tape

    Hi folks,

    Good news! The Mathematical Expressions Content Type is now available on the H5P Open Hub. You’re able to use it within your H5P Content using a backslash ( \ ) as a dividing character. It uses MathJax under the hood, so if you’re familiar with that, then you’re already good to go. If not, you write equations such as \e = mc^2\ (with a backslash at the front and end of the equation). shows some full examples.

    1. gyapa

      This is fantastic!! I hope to create some H5P content for use in weekly activities (to be used in September Calculus small classes). Thank you very much!!

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