Adhoc Groups
* This is an editor-only feature. If you’re currently an author on the H5P platform, this article is most likely not relevant to you.
We released a WordPress plugin in May 2022, which provides the ability for those with an editor role to be able to create unlisted user groups and manage H5P contents created by group members.
As an editor on the platform, you can create as many groups as you need at Dashboard -> H5P Content -> Group.
1) Give your group a name, slug and description. More specific is better to avoid naming conflict with groups created by other editors.

2) Once the group is created, please go edit the group, by choosing the edit link when you mouse over the newly created group, on the right side of the screen.

Scroll down to the bottom where both the ‘Add User’ and ‘Current Users’ sections are. The ‘Add User’ section allows you to add users to the current group by entering their email address that is attached to their user account. It is important to remember to add yourself to the group as well. The ‘Current Users’ section lists users who have already been added to the group.

Once users are added to the group, regardless they are authors or editors. They now have the ability to assign H5P contents to groups they are assigned to.

As an editor within the group, you’re able to view/edit the list of H5P contents within the group by going to H5P Contents -> My Group H5P content.