Allow people to search for H5P Content created on the H5P Open Hub

Right now the H5P Open Hub isn’t particularly…open. Any content you create is only really available to you as an author and any potential support units for your faculty or department. We propose to create an open catalogue of content which would allow others to search for and view the H5P content our authors create. In a similar vein to eCampus Ontario’s H5P Studio we would allow folks to browse H5P Content created on the hub and filter the list based on metadata such as license, content type, author etc.

Folks will then be able to either use that content directly in their own courses or will have the ability to use the content they find as a base for their own work – i.e. remix that h5p content.

As an author you will have the ability to opt-out of being included in the catalogue. We propose to default newly-created content to being included in the catalogue as, after all, this is the H5P Open Hub.

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